New Registration Requirements Will Make It Easier for Exhibitors to Identify True ‘Buyers’

Exhibitors at the 2011 show will have a much easier time identifying true “buyers” thanks to changes to the attendee-registration process.

Attendee badges will be more specific, enabling exhibitors to better identify various buyer categories.

This change is based on feedback from our exhibitors, who stated that the traditional red attendee badges used at the show do not clearly identify who from an organization is the decision-maker in buying.

Web-based registration will start out by asking if attendees are buyers or non-buyers. From there, the attendee will filter through the demographic questions that will assist us in determining the categories of people attending the show.

Past show attendees should be able to find their information in the system and should move through the process quickly. The identification and verification policy that was started at the 2010 show will continue for the 2011 show.

In addition, attendees will be able to purchase tickets to SHOT Show University, State of the Industry Dinner, register for free education sessions online within the registration process and have the ability to pay for registration and special-event fees.

SHOT Show has initiated a modest price increase for attendee registration. As many of you are aware, the show has not increased its registration prices since 2007.