Got your badge scanned at an exhibitor’s booth? Retrace your steps at the 2010 SHOT Show with ‘Encore’

You saw an interesting product at the SHOT Show, but you lost the notes you took and the handouts the exhibitor gave you.  That and other scenarios where you'd like to retrace your steps at the 2010 show can be addressed by Encore, a reverse lead retrieval system.

This complimentary service provides show attendees with contact information on all of the exhibitors they visited. If your badge was scanned at an exhibitor booth, that information should be in the database. 

Every attendee who had his or her badge scanned should have already received e-mails inviting the recipient to click on a link in the e-mail that would provide access to that individual's personal list of exhibitors visited.

If you no longer have access to those e-mails, and you'd like to obtain contact information on the exhibitors you visited at the show, send an e-mail to